

As a Healthwatch Week delegate, we invite you to join us for the Healthwatch Network National Awards of Achievement, which will be taking place online on Wednesday 4th November. The session will be followed by an online social event which every attendee is welcome to join.
Please register your attendance for the sessions during registration. The link to join will be sent out in advance of Wednesday 4th Nov.  
This year, the award categories are:
The impact our team makes
This award celebrates the collective impact of one Healthwatch team, in delivering a project that supports improvements to health and social care services.
The impact we make with partners
This award celebrates the skills, benefits and collective impact of a Healthwatch team when working with partners to deliver a project that supports improvements to health and social care services. This includes working with other local Healthwatch or sector organisations.
Celebrating our volunteer team
This award celebrates the vital role that volunteers play in contributing to the effectiveness and success of local Healthwatch.

Register now