Click on each day below to see what we have in store
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Welcome of the day
Chris McCann, Director of Communications, Insight and Campaigns for Healthwatch England will be opening each day of Healthwatch Week with an overview of the day ahead, what you can expect from sessions, and reflections from the previous day
Who is this session for? All Healthwatch Staff
Models of engagement showcase
Join Healthwatch Croydon, Healthwatch Leeds and Healthwatch Wiltshire to discuss three different approaches to engagement, in this session we will cover:
- How to engage and involve people with dementia
- How to engage people using video diaries
- How to engage and work together with hard to reach groups
Who is this session for? Healthwatch staff and volunteers who are involved in engagement
Health and care systems in the new normal: What have we learnt and how do we keep people at the heart of their care?
Health and social care systems are changing quickly. Join our panel, to discuss how we can make sure people and their communities are involved in new and changing frameworks. This will include exploring where communities have added real value to decision making processes in the NHS, how this can be applied to the changing landscape and how local Healthwatch can best contribute in what is going to be a challenging 12 months for the health and care sector.
Panellists: Amanda Pritchard, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Improvement, Sarah Pickup, Deputy Chief Executive, Local Government Association, Dame Julie Moore DBE, Professor Healthcare Systems, Warwick University and Steve Barwick, Director, DevoConnect.
Who is this session for? All Healthwatch Staff
A volunteering story
Join this session with Anne Major and Kevin Halewood, Healthwatch Sefton Volunteer Locality Representatives, with contributions by Wendy Andersen, Engagement Manager, facilitated by Alvin Kinch, Volunteering and Regional (London) Manager, Healthwatch England. This session is mainly for Healthwatch volunteers including board and advisory group members. Hear about Anne and Kevin's volunteering journey with Healthwatch Sefton. This will include experiences of volunteering during the COVID - 19 pandemic, transitioning to a different volunteer role, how they managed their wellbeing, lessons learnt and how they have been supported at Healthwatch Sefton.
Who is this session for? Volunteers including Board & advisory group members
NHS Reset: a new direction for health and care
Join Imelda Redmond, National Director for Healthwatch England with Danny Mortimer, Interim Chief Executive, NHS Confederation and Bren McGowan Senior Policy Advisor for Healthwatch England for this session which will provide an overview of the #NHSReset programme to set out how health and care should be delivered post-pandemic and to give Healthwatch the opportunity to share their insight.
Who is this session for? Healthwatch leaders (senior staff and board members), engagement staff and volunteers.
Healthwatch: the difference we can make in the changing landscape
In this session, Sir Robert Francis, Chair of Healthwatch England; Imelda Redmond CBE, National Director, Healthwatch England and Gavin Macgregor, Head of Network Development at Healthwatch England discuss the work being undertaken during the pandemic and the next stage of the Healthwatch network support offer. The conversation will also focus on the Healthwatch England strategy, how your priorities and contributions will help to shape it and the next steps we can take together to bring about change in the changing landscape.
Who is this session for? All Healthwatch Staff
Close of Healthwatch Week