WIA Global Summit 2024

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WIA Welcome and Review from Co-Founders
3PM - 3:15PM BST/10AM - 10:15AM EST

Stephanie Kee, Alliance Manager at Oracle Netsuite and Tina Valand, Gen AI Associate Director for UK and Ireland at Accenture
Keynote: Navigating the Tectonic Shifts: How Hyperscalers, Marketplaces, and Co-selling Change the Rules of the Partner Game
3:20PM - 3:50PM BST/10:20AM - 10:50AM EST

Vincent Menzione, CEO at Ultimate Partner and Cassandra Gholston, CEO at PartnerTap
Join us to learn how the tectonic shifts we have been seeing for at least half a decade are accelerating transformation, changing buying behaviours, and how companies organize accordingly. Layer on the dominance of the major cloud players like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, as well as the new digital co-selling models of marketplace and services (like PartnerTap), and things get really interesting. Vince Menzione and Cassandra Gholston discuss the dynamic forces at play and explore how they can ultimately make for a better partnership and ecosystem strategy.

Choose any 3 Breakout Sessions from 3 Streams 
Industry Personal and Awareness Tech Space
Maximizing Mutual Growth: Best Practices for Technology Partnerships 
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST

Doreen Marchetti, Coach, Board Member and Consultant, advising on Alliances. Channels and Partnerships setting new strategies for growth and Jen Waltz, VP, Global Alternate Channels at Kron Technologies.   
Join us as we explore proven strategies and best practices for fostering mutually beneficial technology partnerships. Discover how to create, nurture, and sustain alliances that drive growth and innovation in today’s competitive tech landscape.
Walk the Talk for Your Personal Brand 
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or 
4:20PM BST/11:20PM EST
Nadia Edwards-Dashti, Chief Customer Officer at Harrington Starr 
Nadia will share her personal journey in building a brand and guide you on how to do the same. She will offer step-by-step advice, starting with understanding your purpose and executing your strategy. "Walk the Talk" emphasizes actions over words, highlighting the importance of each of us promoting inclusion in the sector and the crucial role your personal brand plays in this effort.
Grounding GenAI with Causal AI for Truly Intelligent & Trustworthy AI
4:20PM BST/11:20PM EST or 
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST
Dr Tamara Stemberga, Technical Director and Patricia Jacob, Software Engineer at causaLens  
Generative AI has made significant strides in recent years, but concerns around hallucinations, bias, transparency, and interpretability have hampered its adoption for critical business decision-making. To address these challenges and unlock the full potential of Gen AI, we must look to the emerging field of causal AI. In this talk, we will explore how causal AI can elevate Gen AI by introducing a layer of causal reasoning that mimics human-like intelligence. By understanding the underlying causes and effects within data, causal AI can help overcome the limitations of Generative AI models.

The Devil Inside: Why Your Own Company Kills Your Partnership Dreams
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or
4:55PM BST/11:55 EST 

Danielle Simon, NYC Chapter Lead at Women in Alliances, and John Marchese, Chief Partner Officer at DataOps.live  
Danielle and John have been a linked team of partnership operators for the past seven years across many different companies. They will share their experience and learning of why you might want to prioritize your internal corporate partner plan first, and your external partner program second when allocating your time and resource to launch a successful program. Misaligned leadership, lack of support, communication issues, alignment of objectives, and a supportive company culture are more likely to cause your failure than anything you choose to plan externally.
Partnering for Impact: How DOGO created an ecosystem of medical, tech and policy experts to deliver free healthcare in the world’s most remote regions.
4:20 PM BST/11:20AM EST or 
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST
​ Sal Mohammed, Founder of DOGO, and QTA Partnerships and Amina Buhari – COO at DOGO  
DOGO leverages technology to deliver free healthcare to patients in critical need across the developing world. Learn how they leveraged partnerships with medical professionals, tech experts, and governments to revolutionize healthcare access and deliver over 2000 free healthcare treatments. We’ll explore how collaborations have created a transparent, efficient system for delivering life-saving medical aid that delivers full visibility to donors and partners. Discover the real-world impacts of these alliances and how DOGO looks to expand globally through the power of partnerships. 
Applied Intelligence in the Customer Lifecycle
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or 
4:20PM BST/11:20PM EST
Liz Ruddick, Solution Success Director at FICO and Clare McCaffrey, Chief Commercial Officer at Atto
A successful partnership requires a strategic approach that aligns objectives and vision whilst leveraging and understanding the value that both parties bring. Clare and Liz will discuss how the Atto and FICO partnership came to fruition and share best practice on how our joint offering will enable UK lenders to easily integrate Open Banking data into the credit scoring process.

The New Co-Selling Power Dynamics and Career Opportunities
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or
4:20PM BST/11:20PM EST
Cassandra Gholston, CEO at PartnerTap
Co-selling is a top priority and conversation amongst CROs, Chief Partner Officers, and revenue-driving teams in 2024. The co-selling movement dramatically shifts power dynamics from direct sales to partners, and creates new opportunities for women in alliances, partnerships, and channel roles. 
Change agents in partner and channel teams have an opportunity to save sales and become the pipeline-generating growth engines for their companies. But who will seize the opportunity and channel them into greater professional success? Who will ultimately get credit for this co-selling transformation? In this session you’ll learn how women in alliances can set yourselves, and your companies, up for co-selling success and seize some of the emerging co-selling leadership roles.
In this session Cassandra Gholston, CEO of PartnerTap, will share: 
Why co-selling transformation is suddenly a top priority 
How power dynamics shift in co-selling
Why women in alliances, partner and channel roles hold the key to future sales success 
Emerging roles and leadership opportunities
A playbook for co-sell transformation 
How to track attribution for your co-sell plays to ensure your teams get credit  

Menopause and Work - The Impact is Real 
3:55PM BST/10:55AM EST or 
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST

Join this highly interactive session filled with humour and informed by research from Saorsa (Menopause Consultancy) and the Korn Ferry Institute. We will be joined by Pauline Nicol, Director of Saorsa Menopause Consultancy and Hot@Tesco Women's Support Group, and Carrie White, Chief Operating Officer at Women in Alliances and Partner Account Manager at Vena Solutions. We will talk about the impact of menopause in the workplace, including questions about perimenopause/menopause experiences, symptoms, as well as factors such as perceived support, absenteeism, turnover, work performance, and career progression outcomes. Join us for a real girl talk!
Al Ambition Unleashed: Tapping into Billions in Revenue by Asking Great Questions   
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST
Dr Lisa Palmer, CEO at Dr Lisa AI
Join Dr. Lisa as she shares her journey from end customer selling to ecosystem partnering that sprung from the question "How can I scale me?" She will address how to guide one's future and discover strategies for 1) driving revenue growth with AI, and 2) building influence and credibility with AI to become a strategic leader!

Finding the Right Fit and Fully Leveraging the Opportunity: A Bottomline and SimCorp Case Study
4:45PM BST/11:45AM EST

Anders Kirkeby, Vice President of Open Innovation at SimCorp, and Lisa Farmer, Director of Partnerships and Bank Channels at Bottomline.

Creating a successful partnership is both complex and multi-faceted. This session will address the lessons learned from the partnership between SimCorp and Bottomline:

● Choosing a good fit through shared synergies, complimentary propositions, and mutual global aspirations
● Need for a formalised strategic partnership that meets respective objectives and audience 
● Securing top-down stakeholder engagement, promoting cross-function benefits, and integrating teams for stronger results and a superior customer experience
● Leveraging global industry trends and addressing market demand - e.g., transitioning from on-premise to SaaS

Panel Discussion
How to Accelerate Your Future
5:05PM BST/12:05PM ESTMain Room
Moderator: Lisa Blalock and Panel: Zhenya Winter, Elise Carbone, Dr Lisa Palmer and Nadia Edwards-Dashti 
What are your key priorities for your career development? 
How are you translating this into action?
What are the key lessons you have learnt?
What are you doing to personally support and educate the community? 

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