
Current time zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

13:05 - 13:35

Alkenes as playground for asymmetric transformations

Reaxys Advisory Board

Prof. 2lvucz5uXa3ZfJOzo4JoZg== kivNczhLY94OmyGrtleAzQ==
13:35 - 14:05

Addressing synthetic challenges in early process development

Reaxys Prize Club

Dr. wfkzb5c8dUw9vZOjIHwT8g== GbluUDtPeUoj9Fl0+XsL1g==
14:05 - 14:25

Development of catalytic enantioselective Minisci-type reactions


Mr. GZ0BnKRvDbZfi6KynsvhxA== ccf73r6wJCYjqCEHlLTmSA==
14:25 - 14:45

Foldamers: A New Approach to Catalysis


Dr. lPJl4MQtY/6ZS5zqfYM4FA== c8IYgfdflp0Xhp/ybcJJCQ==
14:45 - 15:15

Reaxys tool and database turning high-quality data into actionable insights for accelerating chemistry research


Mr. RKQRku5Reoy1sEXiFrOz3A== AdXFxAiubhp7rJt/NGtNHQ==Dr. nVFgnFQ4AamLIoXrkXHfHw== NWCN9VpCiugBnAzfpXqWYg==
15:15 - 15:30

Break for networking and poster viewing

Meet our speakers

We've got some pretty stunning speakers for 2020's event. Go on, have a dig around and plan your day.

2020 finalists

Go ahead and have a look at this year's finalists. Browse through their e-posters and find out more!

The Exhibitors

Every single exhibitor has been carefully selected, so you know they're the crème de la crème.