
Categories 2024

Core criteria for all project award categories:

These criteria are applied to every award category, in addition to the category specific criteria listed below.

Note that where we use the term project, this also includes programme and portfolio where relevant.
  • In-flight projects included: Has the project or programme reached a significant delivery milestone? Projects and programmes can put forward examples of success and excellence at different stages or milestones in the project lifecycle. A project does not need to be completed to qualify for an award. This is particularly important for multi-year projects.
  • Civil Service Values: Has the nominee or project promoted or demonstrated the civil service values and behaviours set out in the Civil Service Code: honesty, integrity, impartiality and objectivity?
  • Above and beyond: Has the nominee(s)’s achievement gone above and beyond their normal job role?
  • Measurable benefits: Is the project or programme achieving tangible results which align with benefits?
  • Net Zero: Is the project or programme contributing to the government's Net Zero ambition?
  • Impact: Has the nominee(s) made an impact beyond their immediate team, business area, department or project?

Advancing the Profession Award  

This is an individual or team award, recognising individuals or teams who have made an outstanding contribution to advancing the project delivery profession. Contributions may include (but are not limited to):

  • Team-led initiatives such as building communities of practice or interest, special interest groups, networks, championing innovative approaches to delivering projects, running outreach services to attract new project delivery talent, promoting the roll out of initiatives that support the profession;
  • Individual initiatives such as coaching, mentoring, role modelling, championing and volunteering, exceeding expectations and over and above the individual’s day job;
  • Open to any level or grade.
Nominations should:
  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Demonstrate how the contribution has had a positive impact on the project delivery profession
  • Demonstrate how the contribution has raised the bar on the delivery of projects, programmes or portfolios
  • Demonstrate how the contribution has helped to make project delivery a profession of choice.

Defence and Security Project of the Year Award  +

Defence and Security work to maintain a secure and prosperous United Kingdom with global reach and influence. Delivery of Defence and Security projects enables us to protect our people, territories, values and interests at home and overseas, through strong armed forces and in partnership with allies, to ensure our security, support our national interests and safeguard our prosperity.

This is a team award, recognising exceptional achievement from a government military and security services capability project.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Explain how the project ensures the security of citizens, supports our national interests and safeguards our prosperity.
  • Show how the project has had a global reach and influence, embracing innovative approaches to change to achieve the best outcomes.
  • Demonstrate exceptional project delivery, including stakeholder management and partnerships with allies and other government departments to enable successful delivery.


Digital and Transformation Project of the Year Award  +

Digital change is the delivery of high-quality digital services to users, wherever they are. Often the provision of digital services is part of a broader change to the way people interact. Digital change projects often enable the transition from old legacy systems to new digital solutions to equip government departments for the future. These projects are very important for achieving cost savings and efficiency and ensuring our public services benefit from advances in innovation and technology. Transformation projects change ways of working to improve the relationship between government and the people of the UK, and harness new technology to improve public services and/or make government more efficient. Transformation projects include service delivery, digital platforms and solutions.

This is a team award, recognising exceptional achievement from a government digital change and/or transformation project. Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Explain the impact of the project on citizens, users or audiences.
  • Show how the project ensures the needs of end users and stakeholders are understood and considered throughout the design and development of the solution.
  • Explain how the project has embraced innovative digital solutions and technologies and data.
  • Demonstrate exceptional project delivery, including management of organisational or societal change, to enable successful delivery of transformational outcomes, including cost savings and efficiency of public services.


Diversity & Inclusion Award  +

This can be a team or individual award, recognising those who work to embed diversity and inclusion, driving positive change for our colleagues and making the Civil Service a model, open and transparent employer to better
serve the public.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Demonstrate how the nominee drives inclusion in the Civil Service either through a project or as a project delivery professional;
  • Include specific examples of how the nominee has worked to identify and remove barriers;
  • Show how the nominee goes the extra mile to ensure inclusivity through projects or as a project delivery


Infrastructure Project of the Year Award  +

Infrastructure and construction projects include improving and maintaining the UK’s energy, environment (e.g. flood prevention, river quality, sewage and water systems), transport, telecommunications; and constructing new public buildings. These high investment projects are essential to the nation’s economic growth, development and prosperity.

This is a team award, recognising exceptional achievement from a government infrastructure and construction project. Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Explain the impact of the programme on citizens, service users or audiences;
  • Show how the project has embraced innovation and modern delivery approaches, contributed to environmental & sustainability outcomes, to achieve the benefits;
  • Demonstrate exceptional project delivery, including stakeholder management to enable successful delivery


Project Delivery Innovation Award  +

Recognising excellence in innovation, demonstrating practical implementation of significant improvements in project delivery to deliver more sustainable outcomes through all that we do. This is a team or project award.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Works collaboratively and inclusively across functions, departments and sectors to share and embed industryleading practice, capability and innovative approaches to create enduring beneficial change in the project delivery system;
  • Embraces innovation through the better use of project data and analytics, thereby improving project delivery practice to ensure more sustainable outcomes;
  • Demonstrates delivery of additional positive benefits towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Project Delivery Award  +

Recognising skilled programme, project or portfolio management to deliver novel or complex work to an exceptional standard, in line with best practice. This is a team award.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Explain what makes the nominee’s programme novel or complex;
  • Explain what makes the nominee’s programme, project or portfolio management exceptional;
  • State how the work has taken into account best practice and lessons learned from the successes and failures of other projects, programmes and sectors;
  • Demonstrate how this programme, project or portfolio excellence has or will contribute to greater economic, environmental and social outcomes.


Project Delivery Team of the Year Award  +

This is a team award, recognising excellent collaboration that spans the boundaries between teams, groups, departments, agencies, and administrations; building strong and trusted relationships in order to successfully deliver the benefits of a project or programme.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Explain how the team has successfully used collaboration to deliver their project and desired benefits
  • Showcase any innovative or creative approaches to collaboration and or user centred design;
  • Demonstrate how the project spans organisational boundaries and the impact of this;
  • Show how the team has successfully developed trusted relationships;
  • Demonstrate the impact of these relationships on the team’s ability to deliver the benefits of the project or programme.


Rising Star Award (G7 and below)  +

This is an individual award, recognising the potential of someone, at G7 and below, in the first five years of their Civil Service career in (or associated with) project delivery.

Nominations should:

  • Satisfy the core criteria;
  • Demonstrate the nominee’s potential to excel in their future project delivery career;
  • Take a holistic view of the nominee – their work, relationships with others, qualities that will help them flourish;
  • Reference specific achievements of the nominee.


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Click here to find out more about the awards categories


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