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Agenda - Webinar, Online

Information sharing and the importance in safeguarding

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome & Introduction

10:15 - 11:15

Keynote: Information Sharing & Safeguarding Including Q&A

Executive Director at DBS discusses barriers to sharing information and overcoming them. 

11:15 - 12:00

Information needed to make a balanced safeguarding decision

Presented by Lorraine Parnaby, Barring and Safeguarding Directorate, DBS

Hear about the importance of sharing the right information for DBS caseworkers to make a balanced safefuarding decision. Lorraine will also explain the process used by DBS to gather additional information. 


DBS Barring and Legal Duty to Refer Workshop

Presented by Julia Mitchinson and Kiran Rehal (DBS Partnerships Team)

Organisations who employ individuals or have volunteers who carry out regulated activity with children or adults have a legal duty to refer to DBS if certain conditions are met.  This bitesize session will focus on DBS’ Barring functions, with a particular focus on understanding this legal duty to refer.


DBS Disclosure Workshop - Understanding eligibility for DBS Checks

Presented by Mel Berry and Rebecca Bool (DBS Partnerships Team)

This bitesize session will consider DBS’ Disclosure functions, namely DBS checks, with a particular focus on elements organisations should consider when determining eligibility for Enhanced and Enhanced with Barred List(s) DBS checks.

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Harmful behaviour outside of the workplace – should this be referred to DBS?

Presented by Jo Wheatley and Jordan Hayden (DBS Partnerships Team)

Explore how harmful behaviour displayed outside work/voluntary settings may impact upon safeguarding and could lead to someone being included in a barred list and hear about other types of harm that may be less well known but should still be considered for referral to DBS. 


Enhanced Application Process

Presented by Lizzie Whittington and Mel Berry (DBS Partnerships Team)

Find out more about the Enhanced process, why delays may occur and what to do if you do experience delays in the process. 


Barring Referral Service (BRS) Workshop

Presented by Sean Maskey and Laura Gaskell (DBS Partnerships Team)
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is responsible for managing the lists of people who are barred from regulated activity in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Organisations who employ individuals or have volunteers who carry out regulated activity with children or adults have a legal duty to refer to DBS if certain conditions are met. 
Personnel suppliers who provide individuals to organisations to carry out regulated activity also have a legal duty to refer.
This workshop will cover:
  • How to access the barring referral service. 
  • Who has the legal duty to refer.
  • The conditions of when you must refer.
  • Guide to completing the referral form.
  • What documents to include.

15:00 - 15:05

Day 2 Summary & Closing Remarks

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